Perspectives from the experts at Chromatic
Our annual trip to DrupalCon always yields exciting project opportunities and new connections for Chromatic.
Switching the default text format of a field is easy. Manually converting existing content to a different input format is not. What about migrating thousands of nodes to use a different input format? That isn't anyone's idea of fun!
Drupal is awesome, but it is also infamous for having a steep learning curve. From beginners to seasoned professionals, everybody has areas they could improve upon.
Features play a significant role in any major Drupal 6 or 7 project. The organization of features is often overlooked, but becomes important as a project grows. Agreeing on an effective organization strategy avoids headaches and reduces merge conflicts.
Here's a list of some common gotchas to look out for when inheriting a Drupal site from another developer or Drupal shop.
In the web design/development/consulting world, we consistently talk about vendors and the client/vendor relationship. Is this really how we want to be known? Is this really how we work? And as a client, do you really just want a vendor?
Every Drupal site contains the spinning circle of progress - the "throbber". Seeing the default throbber on an otherwise beautiful site takes away from the magic a bit, doesn't it? Go the extra step and create a custom throbber!
Sublime Text is the best text editor on the market right now. If you do work on the web, you should consider using it. The interface is clean, intuitive and out of the way. The back end is fast. But most of all, Sublime is highly pluggable and configurable.
There comes a time where you sit back and look at your Drupal site and realize that you've created a monster.
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